Keep on partying - the smarter way Part 2
Curb your option
Some people say varieties add spice to your life, but when it comes to buffet, its the recipe for overeating. Research showed that, those who take small amount of every kind of food on the table, eats more than those who take larger amount of only a few kind of food on the table. When you take small portion of everything, it's harder to determine how much have you actually eaten. It is better to bunding food with similar flavors together, for instance, put only meaty food on your plate at once. The idea is that you'll tired of the food sooner and ending up feeling satisfied on fewer calories.
Pace yourself
Research sows that people who eat at slower pace tend to it lesser too. This simply because, when you eat slower, you feel full much sooner. So take your cue from slowest eater when dining with your friends. When dining with friends we kind of just get along with them when they are asking for second or third serving, so when you take your cue from slow eater, you'll eat considerably less. However, if you are surrounded by fast eater, take a sip of water between bites to slow down your pace.
Drink slimmer
Alcohol weaken your resistance when it comes to eating not to say the calories in drinks add up rapidly. So, if you want to be a slender drinker, drink out of slender glass. Research also showed that people tend to drink more from short fat glasses, so try this optical illusion, use a white wine glass instead of a goblet.
Slip, don't slide
Always learn from your slip up. If you already ate three helping of mashed potatoes and a whole barrel of beer, don't just say you blew it and decide you might as well polish off the whole cake. Instead, do a self analysis, did you arrived at the party hungry? Did you end up hiding behind the buffet table because you knew no one? Next time, ensure you are not starving when you get to a party, get to know someone new and start a conversation far far away from the danger zone (the buffet table, may I remind you !)... lets your next time start today.
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