5 ways to beat holiday weight and still keep you sane
I know, I know, holiday is a lot of fun, and you want to enjoy yourself to the fullest. Think about this, do you want to carry over extra pound to next year, thanks to your late nights and late foods?
Read through these if you would rather be slim for new year celebration:
Its easy to blow your diet by skipping meals and hitting the vending machine for sustenance. I know, you are busy and all, yes, I also know you are doing double duty and just don't have the time to prepare a good meal. Before your ultra-busy days come, prepare some healthy foods nearby-nutritionbars, oatmeal, cereal, lots of fruits-anything that's easy to prepare and will keep at the bottom drawer of your desk.
How will you ever get anything done if you are dragging-butt all day long, everyday day? Think of a good night sleep as a necessity-much like oxygen, you can't live with it could you?-to keep you sane and prevent you from violent thoughts towards your family and friends as you spiral into stress-mode. Whatever happen during the day, out aside enough time for an 8 hours sleep, and start winding down 30 mins before your bedtime. Trust me, you will thank me later when you wake up with great skin. Also, just to remind you, lack of goodnight sleep inhibits concentration and makes us less efficient and more irritable.
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